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EIP-3000Communicationseip_fdreadyIncoming TCP connection. No free session exists. Accept fail: %d Why wait fd for exception in non-WaitConnect state!? eip->session_pool[%d].state=%d. Unexpected execution. Out of memory! Connection break. Invalid session state! Why wait fd to write in non-WaitConnect state!? eip_requestNot enough metadata. socket() fails with %d. connect() fails with %d. Session is invalid. Session is in invalid state. Too many requests pending. Duplication request. Session is not originator. SendRRData with no data. Out of memory. SendRRData with %d bytes of data. Unable to extend parameter. SendUnitData with no data. SendUnitData with %d bytes of data. Transaction identifier is invalid. Reply SendRRData with no data. Reply SendRRData with %d bytes of data. Reply SendRRData(PCCC) with no data. Reply SendRRData(PCCC) with %d bytes of data. eip_confirmFree session. eip_timerPeer did not close TCP channel after UnRegisterSession. Stop waiting. Connection originator did not request RegisterSession transaction. Stop waiting. %s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/EIP/cpf.ccpf_createUnable to pack CPF: %s:%d [%s] Payload is too long (%d). Fail to allocate memory. cpf_validatecpf is NULL. cpf is too small for ItemCount. cpf is too small for Item #%d's ItemTypeCode and ItemLength. cpf is too small for Item #%d's ItemData. %s:%d [%s] /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/EIP/eip_subs.c_eip_fin_sessionUnable to generate reply for command %08X for finalization. %s:%d [%s] %sPassthrough FreeSession. %s:%d [%s] /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/EIP/eip_ind.c_eip_post_EIPIND_xxxToo many requests pending. %s:%d [%s] %sUnable to locate pending request. %s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/EIP/eip_nio.c_eip_send_speip_data cannot be extended. NOP%s:%d [%s] /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/EIP/eip_cmd.c_eip_handle_commandUDP channel received an invalid %s. Received a %s with invalid Options=0x%08X. Received a %s with unsuccessful Status=0x%08X. Received %s with %d bytes of data. Received %s without data. RegisterSession replyReceived a %s with invalid Length=%d. Received %s. RegisterSession requestReceived a %s with invalid Status=0x%08X or Options=0x%08X. Connection originator received an invalid %s. Received a %s in wrong state=%d. Received a %s with unsupported version=%ld. UnRegisterSessionReceived a %s with incorrect session handle=0x%08X. ListIdentity replyReceived a %s with invalid data. ListIdentity requestListServices replyListServices requestSendRRData reply%s:%d [%s] %sWhy pending request in WaitSession state!? Unable to trim SendRRData's data. SendRRData requestFail to post EIPIND_RRDATA. SendRRData(PCCC)Unable to allocate memory for CPFTYPE_PCCC_**ADDR. Fail to post EIPIND_PCCC. SendUnitDataUnable to trim SendUnitData's data. Fail to post EIPIND_UNITDATA. ListInterfaces replyListInterfaces requestReceived unsupported command=0x%04X. MOXA MGate EIP3170 GatewayMOXA MGate EIP3170I GatewayMOXA MGate EIP3270 GatewayMOXA MGate EIP3270I GatewayMOXA MGate EIP3000 Series%s:%d [%s] Unknown return code from service routine: %d /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/cip.ccip_confirm%s:%d [%s] %sUnable to response invocation. _CIPREQ_SENDUNCONNECTEDMSG_replyUnable to allocate metadata for CIPREQ_SENDUNCONNECTEDMSG response. Unable to create resopnse for CIPREQ_SENDUNCONNECTEDMSG. Unable to allocate metadata for CIPREQ_SENDUNCONNECTEDMSG replies. Unable to create indication for CIPREQ_SENDUNCONNECTEDMSG replies. %s:%d [%s] CIPREQ_OBJECT(%d) cip_request%s:%d [%s] Metadata of invocation reply primitive is too small (%d). Too many extended status. CIPREQ_CREATECHANNEL Not enough metadata. %s:%d [%s] Invalid port index (%d) for CIPREQ_CREATECHANNEL. create_channel failed. CIPREQ_CLOSECHANNEL CIPREQ_SENDUNCONNECTEDMSG Invalid channel handle. Unable to allocate unconnected message. Fail to send unconnected message. CIPREQ_CREATECONNECTION Unable to create connection. CIPREQ_CLOSECONNECTION Invalid connection handle. CIPREQ_SENDCONNECTEDMSG _cip_send_explicit fails. Not an explicit connection. %s:%d [%s] Unknown request message: 0x%08X. %s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/eip.c_eip_indicationEIPIND_SESSIONREADY Unable to allocate channel for EIP session. EIPIND_SESSIONFAIL EIPIND_SESSIONTERMINATE EIPIND_RRDATA EIPIND_UNITDATA EIPIND_REPLYRRDATA %s:%d [%s] sin_len(%d) is not match as sizeof(sin_addr) _eip_create_channelUnable to allocate EIP channel. Unable to allocate metadata for EIPREQ_CREATESESSION. Unable to create EIPREQ_CREATESESSION primitive. _eip_close_channelUnable to allocate metadata for EIPREQ_CLOSESESSION. Unable to create EIPREQ_CLOSESESSION primitive. _eip_send_unconnectedUnable to allocate metadata for EIPREQ_SENDRRDATA. Unable to allocate EIPREQ_SENDRRDATA primitive. _eip_send_implicitNot implemented. EIP PortCreate number %d EIP module %s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/cip_subs.c_explicit_alloc_memNo connection to reply explicit message. _explicit_replyUnable to extend memory for sequence number. Unable to duplicate producing message. _cip_create_channel_indicationUnable to allocate metadata for channel indication. Unable to create channel indication. _cip_create_connection_indicationUnable to allocate metadata for connection indication. Unable to create connection indication. %s:%d [%s] _cip_obj_messaging() returns %d _cip_recv_unconnected_cip_send_explicitConnected message is sending. Sending shall be pending. %s:%d [%s] Duplicate message: %d, %d _cip_recv_explicit_Forward_Open_replyUnable to allocate metadata for CIPREQ_CREATECONNECTION. Unable to create response for CIPREQ_CREATECONNECTION. Unsuccessfully unconnected message reply. Invalid reply size of Forward_Open. Invalid reply for Forward_Open service. Connection identifiers in Forward_Open reply are mismatch from request. Consumed connection ID is changed by peer. Unable to create transmission trigger timer. Unable to create receive timer.  _cip_create_connection3Fail to send unconnected Forward_Open request. _Forward_CloseFail to send unconnected Forward_Close request. _cip_receive_timerConnection timed out. %s:%d [%s] Class #0x%02X has a too big ID. /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/cip_obj.cvalidate_class_code%s:%d [%s] About to register class #%d. _cip_obj_register%s:%d [%s] Class #0x%02X is already defined. %s:%d [%s] Class #%d:Instance #%d:Service #%d _cip_obj_invoke_service%s:%d [%s] Unable to produce indication metadata for service invocation (%d) %s:%d [%s] Unable to create indication for service invocation (%d) %s:%d [%s] msg->class_code=%d not supported _cip_obj_messaging%s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/cip_srv.c_cip_srv_Get_Attribute_SingleUnable to reply invocation. _cip_srv_Get_Attributes_All_cip_srv_Set_Attribute_Single_cip_srv_Set_Attributes_All@(l%s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/mr.c_inv_responseOut of memory. Fail to extend memory block. _messagingEmpty data received. Not enough data in Message Router Request. Received Message Route Request. Incorrect EPath. %s:%d [%s] Unknown return code from service routine: %d %s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/cm.cForward_OpenDuplicate Forward_Open detected. Incorrect EPath. Connection to object fail. %s:%d [%s] _cip_obj_connect returns unexpected %d. Unable to create receive timer. Out of memory. Backplane PortBackplaneControlNetControlNet redundantTCP/IPDeviceNetUnknown\%s:%d [%s] Unknown indication: %ld. /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/cip_obj_hlp.ccip_obj_dispatch_indication%s:%d [%s] %scip_obj_srv_replyUnable to allocate metadata for invocation response. Unable to create REQ primitive for invocation response. %s:%d [%s] Unable to response invocation (%d). cip_obj_srv_Get_Attribute_Singlecip_obj_srv_Get_Attributes_Allcip_obj_srv_Set_Attribute_Singlecip_obj_srv_Set_Attributes_All%s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/portd/CIP/orphanage.corphanage_handlerUnexpected process orphanage_create_channelorphanage_close_channelorphanage_get_channel_infoorphanage_get_underlying_moduleCOM Port %d, Baudrate=%d, Mode=%d, Flowctrl=%d Set VPort IP=%x for ASPP Module. DF1 RECEIVE TIMEOUT! DF1 TRANSMIT TIMEOUT! Cur Port %d timeout, src=%d, dst=%d, cmd=%d, rc_fd=%d WAIT ACK TIMEOUT! Rx state change to IDLE Send Port %d E2S Reply or S2S Reply or V2S Reply message Send Port %d S2E or S2S or S2V Transaction message. cur=%x, state=%d ASPP IP=%x, Port=%d ProCOM%d IP=%x Error: Channel IP didn't match! Update cur rc_ip %x to %x. Update cur rc_fd %d to %d. show AP CMD data %d bytes before framing! Send VPort IP %x Reply %d Bytes message. Send VPort IP %x Transaction %d Bytes message. -----------------DF1 Request----------------- show AP E2S(V) cmd data %d bytes before framing! show AP S2V cmd data %d bytes before framing! show AP S2S or V2S cmd data %d bytes before framing! Framing OK, Request %x Pending for ACK/NAK. AP ACK. AP NAK. Error: serial port wrong! DST=%d, SRC=%d Error: length wrong! Error: Write to Serial port %d Fail. Error: what happen in df1_service_from_ap? R_V2S use port %d show AP Reply V2S or V2E data %d bytes before framing! show AP Reply S2S or S2E or S2V data %d bytes before framing! Error: DST doesn't match port %d Error: no define this msg type of DF1 PTYPE_REQUEST. -----------------VDF1 Response from ASPP----------------- Write message to ASPP ok, wait ACK Write DF1 symbol to ASPP ok Write to ASPP Fault, wait ACK -----------------DF1 Confirm----------------- Send to VPort %d fd %d ACK DF1 create NAK request to ASPP! Error: ser_port %d doesn't match current ser_port %d! Send to Serial Port %d ACK Init COM Port %d Failed to allocate memory for new connection. DF1 ACK response timeout = %lu Init ProCOM Port %d Use CRC=%d Virtual COM DF1 ACK response timeout = %lu Error: Head is Null! Set cur to end->next! Write to Serial port %d Fail. DF1 Service from ASPP Error: reading from Serial Port %d. ---------------------df1_service_from_ser---------------- Total %u byte(s) received from Serial Port below. Error: rx.state=RX_PEND_RESP. data to ASPP, and fd=%d, IP=%x cur->ser_port=%d Error: no match appropriate DF1 object. Update cur object's Real COM IP from %x to %x. Error: Both serial port and fd are NULL! AP msg embedded with ACK or NAK. DST is 0x10 (DLE) Received DLE ACK. Del TX Timer Send ACK resp SRC %d to DST %d AP req %x! Received unexpected ACK. Received DLE NAK. Message transmission failed after %d NAK(s) received. send NAK to AP! Received unexpected NAK. Wrong byte [0x%x] received after DLE. Wrong byte [0x%x] received, need DLE prefix symbol first. Message dropped due to buffer overflow. Message transmission failed, because Serial Port output buffer full. ENQ org data port=%d, data0=%d, data1=%d, data2=%d, rc_fd=%d Failed to send ENQ due to Serial Port buffer full. MSIO write %d bytes to serial port %d successful! Send request %d bytes to ASPP VPort %d! Error: Write to Serial Port %d. ENQ timer data port=%d, data0=%d, data1=%d, data2=%d, rc_fd=%d Error: Wrong TX_STATE. Error: Length of write to serial port didn't match! Error: cannot allocate ser_in buffers. Error: cannot allocate ser_out buffers. Error: cannot allocate from_ap buffers. rx_timeout=%d Wait for last message ACK. Segmentation frame. get BCC=0x%x . Error: get the wrong byte after DLE. Received DLE ENQ. The msg received from serial port was time out! Accumulated CRC - 0x%x received CRC - 0x%x. Received Embedded DLE ACK. Del TX Timer Received unexpected Embedded ACK. Received Embedded DLE NAK. Message transmission failed after %d NAK(s) received. Received unexpected Embedded NAK. Error: Anything else after a DLE is not allowed. Received message overflow. Received message is too small. Duplicate msg! send ACK! CRC ok and not duplicate msg! send to AP! MisChecksum!Get 0x%x, should be 0x%x, send NAK! Message transmission failed, because Serial Port output buffer full. Error: cannot allocate receiver buffers. Rx is active Message transmission failed after %d ENQ(s) sent, so discard! Sending DLE ACK to Serial Port. Error: Failed to send ACK due to Serial Port buffer full. Sending DLE NAK to Serial Port. Failed to send NAK due to Serial Port buffer full. Sending DLE ENQ to Serial Port. Error: cannot allocate transmitter buffers. TCP response timeout = %lu Serial Port1 response timeout = %lu ProCOM response timeout = %lu Use DST Mapping Table! Port %d dev_DST=%d, tar_DST=%d, offset=%d ProCOM %d devDST=%d, tarDST=%d, offset=%d EIP Channel %d IP=%x, port=%lu, devDST=%d, tarDST=%d, offset=%d, slot_no=%ld EIP Rout No. %d IP=%x, tarDST=%d CIP Communication = %s ConnectedUnconnected~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EIP2DF1 Timeout~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error: AP send msg to DST[%d] Timeout, AP didn't get ACK! Set dst_tab[%d]=DST_DEV_FREE Error: AP send msg to DST[%d] Timeout, AP got ACK but no reply! Error: DST[%d] channel is still offline Release DST[%d] invocation AP create E2S Reply request to PCCC Release DST[%d] local session AP create Non-regular E2S Reply request to PCCC Error1: AP send Reply msg to DST[%d] Timeout, AP didn't get Reply ACK! Error: EIP2DF1 DST%d state %d wrong!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S2S Timeout~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V2S Timeout~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S2V Timeout~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set SRC dst_tab[%d]=DST_DEV_FREE Error: AP send Reply msg to DST[%d] Timeout, AP didn't get Reply ACK! Error: DST%d state %d wrong!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DF12EIP Timeout~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error: DF12EIP Timeout but SRC%d state is DST_DEV_WAIT_REPLY! Error: AP send msg to DST %d Timeout, AP didn't get ACK! Error: AP send msg to DST %d Timeout, AP got ACK but no reply! Error: DF12EIP DST%d state %d wrong!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Create Channel Timeout~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M: %d, P: %d, T: %d, I: %d, F: %d. Watch dog for Queue Buffer Full Timeout! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S2E Indication~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AP Indication~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AP PTYPE_INDICATION: Producer=%s SIOPCCCError: ProCOM SRC %d didn't match DST table, change to %d. Error: COM SRC %d didn't match DST table, change to %d. DST %d Match Routing DST %d! Error: SRC %d can't be the same with DST %d. Command msg from DF1, dst=%d, pccc_cmd=%x Error: Channel IP Wrong! Error00: Queue buffer is full!! Error0: Queue buffer is full!! Error1: Queue buffer is full!! Create DST %d connection DST %d connection was READY To EIP Message, Change the SRC from %d to %d Send DST %d Unconnected message Error: DST %d state wrong. Error: DST %d wrong or mapping type doesn't provided! Error: E2S SRC Value not be set. Error: no cmd sent to the DST %d, so it shouldn't get its reply. Reply msg dst=%d, pccc_cmd=%x Error: DST %d wrong or mapping type doesn't provided. Error: Shouldn't reply msg from PCCC, dst=%d, pccc_cmd=%x Command msg from EIP, dst=%d, pccc_cmd=%x Match DST %d and Channel %d Match auto-assigned DST %d and Channel %d Error: DST %d didn't match in the Mapping Table Error3: Queue buffer is full!! Error4: Queue buffer is full!! Error5: Queue buffer is full!! Error: DST %d wrong or mapping port %d doesn't provided. DST DEV and serial port is FREE! Process this prmtv %x AP create E2S CMD request to SIO port %d. Error: DST wrong, we don't support E2V! Error: DST wrong, we don't support E2E! req=%x, ind=%x, msg=%x Set dst_tab[%d]=DST_DEV_WAIT_ACK Error: no register this module! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AP Response~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AP PTYPE_RESPONSE: Producer=SIO For Reply ACK! Get port %d ACK, needn't send Confirm to CIP/EIP. ^^y Finish S(V)[%d]2E[%d] Transaction. Set DST dst_tab[%d]=DST_DEV_FREE Error: DST dst_tab[%d]=%d For Request ACK! Get (V)Port %d ACK Response, send Confirm to CIP/EIP %x. Set dst_tab[%d]=DST_DEV_WAIT_REPLY1 Get Port %d ACK and then send Confirm to VPort %d ind %x. Get Port %d ACK and then send Confirm to Serial Port %d ind %x. Get VPort %d ACK and then send Confirm to Serial Port %d ind %x. Error: TYPE WRONG! For Reply NAK! Get port %d NAK, needn't send Confirm to CIP/EIP. ^^y Finish S(V)2E DST %d Transaction. For Request NAK! Get (V)Port %d NAK Response and then send Confirm to CIP/EIP and reply it. Get Port %d NAK Response and then send Confirm to VPort %d. Get Port %d NAK and then send Confirm to Serial Port %d ind %x. Get VPort %d NAK and then send Confirm to Serial Port %d ind %x. For Reply NO RESP! Port %d NO RESPONSE, needn't send Confirm to CIP/EIP. ^^y Finish S2E DST %d Transaction. For Request NO RESP! Error: Serial port %d didn't response ACK, so create invalid confirm to CIP/EIP and reply it Error: Serial Port %d didn't response ACK, so create invalid confirm to VPort %d. Error: Port %d didn't response ACK, so create invalid confirm to Serial Port %d. Error: Send to serial port %d Fail, create Fail confirm to CIP/EIP and reply it. Error: Confirm other DST msg that wanna send to the same port %d after WriteFail. Error: Serial port %d doesn't open or Buffer Full, create Fail confirm to DF1/ASPP. Error: Confirm other DST msg that wanna send to the same port %d after VWriteFail. AP PTYPE_RESPONSE: Producer=CIP Status=%d, resp data=%d Closing Channel. status=%d Closing Connection. status=%d ^^y Finish one E2S(V) Transaction, but no Reply! Para from CIP:Request SRC=%d, DST=%d, RC_FD=%d Channel %d Handle=%lu Error: Creating Channel Fail. DST %d Connection Handle=%lu Error: Creating Connection Fail. Sending Connected Message! Set dst_tab[%d]=DST_DEV_WAIT_REPLY2 Error: Sent Connected Message Fail! Sending Unconnected Message! Set dst_tab[%d]=DST_DEV_WAIT_REPLY3 Error: Sent Unconnected Message Fail! AP PTYPE_RESPONSE: Producer=PCCC Error: Set DST[%d] as offline ^^y Finish one E2S(V) Transaction!  REPLYING Connected Message Error: Reply message is NULL MSG:Service=0x%x, Status=%d, Message=Error: Param %d bytes hdr_size=%d Error: It should be a reply message! Error: PCCC DST %d value is wrong! need be %d Delete DST %d Timer. Error6: Queue buffer is full!! DST %d is FREE, AP create reply request to DF1 Set dst_tab[%d]=DST_DEV_WAIT_REACK REPLYING Unconnected message Reply message is NULL *app_arg=%x Reply msg from CIP, Channel=%d, DST=%d Error: param %d bytes hdr_size=%d Error: It should be reply message! Error: PCCC DST %d value is wrong, need be %d! Error7: Queue buffer is full!! AP create reply request to DF1 Error: Connection handle doesn't match! Error: DST %d Connection handle change from %x to %x! DST %d Connection is READY Error: Create Connection Fail! Connect is CLOSED! Set DST[%d] Connect EMPTY. Channel %d is Ready and Idle Timeout=%lu CIPOBJST_CHANNELREADY, Create DST %d connection Error: Channel %d is FAIL Channel is CLOSED! Set channel %d EMPTY. Error8: Queue buffer is full!! Error: DST wrong or mapping port %d doesn't provided. DST Node and serial port is FREE! Process this prmtv %x Error: DST wrong, we don't support S2V! AP create V2S Reply request %x to VDF1 %d. AP create S2S CMD request %x to SIO port %d. AP create V2S CMD request %x to SIO port %d. AP create S2S Reply %x to SIO port %d. Error: DST TYPE WRONG! Error: prmtv cannot enqueue. No memory available. Send DST %d Connected message Create V2E Reply port %d message. Create S2E Reply port %d message. Create E2S Cmd Port %d message. Create Non-regular E2S Cmd Port %d message. Create S2S Cmd Port %d message. Create V2S Cmd Port %d message. Create V2S Reply Port %d message. Create S2S Reply Port %d message. Create S2V Reply Port %d message. Error: Primitive Msg %d wrong Create Channel %d. Create DST %d Connection, slot_no is %ld ch handle=%lu MOXAError: connection is not created! Create DST %d conneciton para len=%d Error: pg_mem_extend error! Send ExecutePCCC Message:Error: channel is not created! Send Unconnected message:create EIP2DF1 timer Error: Port Number %d for EIP2DF1 Timer is wrong create DF12DF1 timer Error: Port Number %d for DF12DF1 Timer is wrong create VDF12DF1 timer Error: Port Number %d for VDF12DF1 Timer is wrong create DF12VDF1 timer create DF12EIP timer AP directly create ACK confrim to ProCOM %d FD %d AP directly create ACK confrim to DF1 Port %lu Release DST[%d] EIP_TRANS invocation Release DST[%d] NEIP_TRANS session Error: Primitive msg wrong Error: obj get channel info fault. Error: PCCC Header length over than 32 bytes. Error: Param %d bytes pccc_hleng=%d Error: Over max %d connections! Error: Can not find corresponding DST index Error: Not support this msg %d Error: PCCC Reply Null MSG for Timeout or No Response service_code=%x, instance_code=%x Error: reply get channel info fault. objinv: service_code=%x, target_entity.class_code=%x, target_entity.instance_code=%x, target_entity.attribute_code=%x, request=%x, invocation_handle=%x, mdl_cip=%x, channel_handle=%x !!! dst_index is -1 Error: pg_mem_extend error! Error1: reply get channel info fault. Error: PCCC Reply Null MSG for Timeout or No response NEIP reply local_session_handle=%x, transaction_identifier=%x Error: Non-set IP mis-match. Error: Cann't match fd_data ASPP can't send %d bytes over 384 bytes ASPP send %d Bytes to fd %d error %d Error:What the ASPP request msg is!? ASPP Confirm: IP didn't be found %2x RS-485 4WireRS-485 2WireRS-422RS-2320QPQ22443V8VSVXVTVYVUVZVTTTT%u%X.%X.%X Build %s%X.%X Build %sMGate EIP3170MGate EIP3170IUnknow0123456789abcdefPREVNEXTansiyesno 16151413121110090807060504030201Unknown arg value. Single IP Dual SubnetDual IP BOOTP DHCP/BOOTPDHCP Static LAN2LAN1%ld%X.%X.%X (Beta%X)%X.%X.%X%X.%X Build %02d%02d%02d%02d%ld days, %2ldh:%2ldm:%2lds%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X%s:%d [%s] %s/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/MGateEIP3170/AP/dengine/dengine.calloc_primitiveAllocated not-in-pool primitive: %s:%d [%s] 0x%08X free_primitiveFreeing not-in-pool primitive: alloc_timerOut of timer free_timertm is not in use alloc_moduleOut of module alloc_indication_handlerOut of ind_handler free_indication_handlerind is not in use. alloc_fd_handlerOut of fd_handler free_fd_handlerfdh is not in use. de_create_engineOut of engine de_cur_engineNot in an engine! my_level1_tasks start task_user_ap(console, 4096, 0) return (%d) Telnet console disable! task_user_ap(portd, 2048, 0) return (%d) (Jul 9 2018 - 12:00:10)JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec48<@DHLPTX\`Define USE_EMBEDDED_UART, total port = %d NPort 5150NPort 5110NPort 5130MGate EIP3170MGate EIP3170I * Dummy Interrupt Service Routine !!! * Exception -> Undefined Abort : [0x%lx] : 0x%lx !!! * Exception -> Prefetch Abort : [0x%lx] : 0x%lx !!! * Exception -> Data Abort : [0x%lx] : 0x%lx !!! * Exception -> Software Interrupt Number %ld!!! %s(%d) dlen=%d !!! Scmd_tcpupgrade_program fs_check return %d upgrade_fs fs_check return %d BuildGet serach request serach request with too small len MGate is already in found device list Echo search request ModelMagic%dUpgtoutMB3000V1SecurityView2Kn,X`  %KScf_getEIPConnPath() %d:0x%x Scf_setEIPConnPath() max_devices: %d Set CFG %d:%d %d %d %ld bob手机在线登陆 Technologies Co., Ltd.@|0|0|3000|%d|%d|0|3000|publicDHCPMOS 2.0TCPUTCPLUDPICMPIPARPRARPASYNCtimeout!! ETHERNETbob手机在线登陆 Ethernetbob手机在线登陆 serial port 00 Alloc:Cnt=%lu,Blk=%lu...Free:Cnt=%lu,Blk=%lu Current Free Blocks=%d (block size=%d), BMAP is ... %08lX, malloc error 1: size = %d, nd = %d malloc error 2: size = %d, nd = %d malloc error 3: size = %d, nd = %d free error 2: free error 3: index = %d, n = %d free error 4: free error 1: ptr = %08lX ralloc error 1: ptr = %08lX%s(%d) reject V%d.%d.%d firmware_checkfs_check() ok. RTC cur=%lu < last=%lu (dif=%lu) ex_rtc_gettime() timeout!!! moxa.spb:=DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanSatFriThuWedTueMonSunTask added, entry: 0x%08lX (stack %d bytes) Device Server is started (Cold start)Device Server is started (Warm start)Authentication failedThe IP Address of device server is changedThe password of device server is changedPort %d DCD changed (1 -> 0)Port %d DCD changed (0 -> 1)Port %d DSR changed (1 -> 0)Port %d DSR changed (0 -> 1)Power1 failurePower2 failureEthernet 1 link downEthernet 2 link downOver the threshold of system logS/N:%lu, %s, %X:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X+%ld:%d:%d:%d%s alert (%s): (%s) %sHELOEHLO%s %s 250-AUTHAUTH %s AUTH %s %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xMAIL FROM: %s RCPT TO: <%s> DATA From: %s To: %s Subject: %s %s . QUIT i2c_write: Can't get write start ACK. i2c_write: Can't get address ACK. i2c_write: Can't get data[%d] ACK. i2c_read: Can't get write start ACK. i2c_read: Can't get address ACK. i2c_read: Can't get read start ACK. i2c_read: Can't get slave address ACK with read bit. ?qqqqqqqqqqprlrhrdr`r\rXrPrHr @r 8r 0r (r rrrrrqqrNP5110NP5130NP5150MG-EIP3170MG-EIP3170Ibob手机在线登陆 MGate-EIP 1P V2.0V2.001}؃x||LgЪ@WPe`sp      0*0*0*81@8@8H?PFPFXM`T`Tpbpppp~~~80 $P<lt$XXX\XTPLHD@<840,($ MOXA-CN2610 Async Server V3.0V3.0 Enter: select ESC: previous menu ESC: back to menu Enter: select Quit Return to main menuAccount : password : Waiting for saving to Flash ROM ...Write to Flash ROM fail, try again ...Flash ROM must be bad !!! Give up.Warning !!!Error IP address! Any key to continueError Gateway address! Any key to continueError Netmask address! Any key to continueError Dns address! Any key to continueLAN1 and LAN2 should be in the same subnet!LAN1 IP should be different from LAN2 IP!Restarting MGate .... Console is used ! Overview Basic Network Exit Examine MGate settingsExamine/modify the ethernet LAN port settingsExit from main menuMAIN MENUMAINTANCE MENUModel NameSerial No.Firmware versionLAN modeModbus operation modeSystem up timeSD cardLAN1 IP addressLAN2 IP addressLAN1 MAC addressLAN2 MAC addressLAN IP addressLAN MAC addressLAN active portEthernet IP addressEthernet MAC addressLAN modeLAN IP configurationLAN IP addressLAN netmaskLAN gatewayActive LAN when boot upPing remote hostDNS1DNS2LAN1 IP addressLAN2 IP addressNetmaskGatewayDNS1DNS2LAN1 IP configurationLAN1 IP addressLAN1 netmaskLAN1 gatewayLAN2 IP configurationLAN2 IP addressLAN2 netmaskLAN2 gatewayDNS1DNS2You had modified the network configuration . "System Reboot" will be performed with this setting. Would you like to continue saving? 'Y': Yes. 'N': Discard setting.my;xxHHJYyxK   ( 0@PX`h pT\| $0 xx  |l$86l 6l ,D ,n he,TfhГąt0{<[o0PJefehe2Kn,X`  %K2G1PT ZZ[ 0udld2]\P]rPL_`_ `pt ||{,}Dl <Xx ԆX4h,2@xldX$@\xǚ dl  d<l<< <Lhd2@@Pl    Іx`p ++CRAM-MD5LOGINPLAIN9㼥ͤtgQ>PNaPqk,jj6HT7qYIσ7 qR>)OqN9NL(K@K箂CAk[SžXLL d piiippiiipiiid